Should Voiceover Artists Wear Headsets?

Watch my Tip Tuesday here!

Voiceover Tip Tuesday! Nowadays, all the voiceover descriptions I’ve been auditioning and booking are asking for authentic, conversational and real, like you’re speaking to a good friend. “Tell me, don’t sell me.” 👯‍♀️

And one of the best ways to achieve these styles is to take our headsets off when we’re reading the lines. 

As VoiceOver artists, many of us have been trained to put our 🎧headphones on every time we record, and that can make us extremely self-conscious of what we “sound like” instead of focusing on our intention and words we want to say. 🔇

Give great voice tip!

To Give Great Voice in voiceover, podcasting, pitching, presentations and more, remember the four GGV questions:

1) Who am I? 🤔

2) Who am I speaking to? 🗣

3) What do I want (meaning what emotion do I want to evoke)? 🎭

4) How does my voice and tone support that intention? 🎵

Do you agree fellow Voiceover artists, podcasters, and speakers? Love to hear your thoughts on when you wear a headset and when you don’t. 💭

💌DM me if I can help you elevate your brand authentically and successfully.