Ask for What You Want… In A Way You Might Actually Get It!
[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Audio"][/siteorigin_widget] Because I’m all about the voice, I like to take it off the page,so you can hear as well as read Giving Great...
I found my favorite quote on a cookie box.
The other day, I was in the grocery store shopping for Gluten-Free treats for my kids when I chanced upon “The Best chocolate chip cookies in the world” box. Intrigued, I perused the label, and next to the fine ingredients, I discovered my very favorite quote of all...
Giving Great Voice for Good!
So happy when I have the opportunity to "give" my voice to a meaningful project such as this one to support The Freedom Fund's new campaign to help end Modern Sex Slavery. I was moved by the prospect of how millions of people are still enslaved at this time in history...
Video to End Sex Slavery
What is it to “Give Great Voice?”
Audio for your listening pleasure! Technology has been a great asset in expanding our communication. These days, we can communicate via text, email, Facebook, Tweet, and Snapchat, and much of the new norm is to "reach out" with these new virtual forms. But I believe...