To Give Great Voice in the booth, you have to move your bootie!
As a female voiceover artist, I spend a lot of time in my voiceover booth. Fortunately, I have a window that brings in natural light and allows me to feel like I’m not “boxed” in. As a voiceover artist, spending hours a day in a booth can be isolating and also can make you lose perspective of making the words in your copy feel fresh and authentic. It is really important to take breaks to rest your voice, drink water and revive your energy.
Lately, I’ve been mindful of getting up, getting out of my voiceover booth and taking more breaks to motivate my body, soul and mind. I take time out to get into nature and exercise more regularly like getting on a bicycle (even a stationary one LOL)! I come back in my voiceover booth refreshed, replenished and ready to Give Great Voice to my commercials, promos and more! I notice my reads are better and I book more jobs.
How do you take time out of your voiceover booth to care for yourself? Feel free to follow me on social for more tips on how to take care of yourself outside of the voiceover booth!