Following my Bliss!

Being a female voice over artist, it has to be the greatest job in the world.Every day I wake up and get to do what I’m passionate about, and I get paid for it. That’s amazing! I’ve always believed that as the saying goes “Follow your Bliss” and the money will come. So far so good. I get to work every day for wonderful clients, all over the world using my voice to promote everything from radio and tv stations, to products,and services as well as animated shows and video games! And I love it. I’ve also done work pro bono for charities that I’m passionate about, which has

been a wonderful way to give back. Recently, I’ve started to use my voiceover skills to do my own pet project of combining my love of voiceovers with my passion for inspiring and helping people. They are a labor of love, and I am so happy to share my favorite quotes and combine it with following my bliss. I make these for the pure pleasure of sharing my voice for words I’m inspired by, and hopefully inspiring someone else in the process. So if your passion is voiceover, or painting or singing or whatever, when ever you have the hankering to do it, as they say.. Just do it.. Just for the joy of it. Follow your bliss… Helen Keller’s quote on Beauty, with a rare photo I took of a double rainbow.